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Sermons @ Shepherd

May 31, 2023

The Holy Spirit is a gift of God's grace to the church. It provides comfort, strength, and guidance. But, the Holy Spirit can also disrupt the quiet routine of our lives, calling us from a place of comfort to a service. When the Spirit comes it means that God is on the move and there is no telling what can happen.

May 23, 2023

This Sunday we concluded our sermon series "A Savior for Our Days." We looked at what it means to live in relationship with God. Have you ever stopped to consider that question? What kind of a relationship do I have with God? What kind of relationship should I have with God?

May 23, 2023

In this powerful sermon on Ascension Sunday, we delve into the significance of Jesus' ascension and its impact on our lives as followers of Christ.

In Luke 24 and Acts 1, we witness the mysterious event of Jesus returning to heaven after his resurrection. But this event carries a clear message for all believers: we are...

May 17, 2023

Of all of the promises that Jesus made, perhaps one of the most important is "I will not leave you orphaned." When we consider the magnitude of that promise, it can be overwhelming. This week, we are talking about what it means that we are truly "Never Alone."

May 17, 2023

This week's sermon from Shepherd of the Hills focuses on the passage from the Gospel of John, specifically Chapter 14, verses 15-21. The message begins with the speaker sharing personal experiences of losing both parents and reflecting on the feeling of being orphaned, connecting it to the disciples' fear of being...